Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tecna's Magical Diary Contest Ended!

Hello everyone! The Tecna’s Magical Diary Contest has finished!

The theme of the contest was to write about a Magical (Nice, Happy, Fun) Day in Tecna’s life (like in a Diary)!

Let's congratulate the winner!


Hi my dear Diary!

Today's a special day: my parents want me to come back home today! But...i haven't seen them for a long time...I'm not reassured...What could I say? What should I do?...I don't know.
But i have to go and take the Magical Bus, to go to Zenith. See you later...

I'm on Zenith. I'm writing in my room, at home.
Finally, everything went well. I was wrong to be worried about this: my parents are my family!
I was an idiot...
And i didn't know but...i have a sister!! My parents sent me a letter, but i recive it...So it was a real surprise! Her name's Tally, but everybody calls her Tally-wa. That's pretty cute!
I'm really happy to be at home!! It's going to be a really beautiful day...Oh, My mum is calling me! I've got to go! Bye & see you later, my dear diary!