Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Collage Contest Has Ended!

Here is a little interview to our winner Azurial!

1)Please introduce yourself to us!

Namastay! My name is Azurial. I am an Indian and am proud to be one! I am a very old member of the Winx Club community.

2) Have you participated in any Winx Arts Contests in our forum before?
Nope! This is my first!

3) Tell us something about your winning piece. What inspired you?
I have drawn the winx pets and made it out of very tiny papers. At first i thought of drawing the winx girls, but that would be too complicated drawing all the winx girls since i like all of them. So i thought of drawing something else which would be easy and would not concern any particular winx character. Therefore, i came up with the idea of drawing the winx pets!

4) Any tips for the other aspiring artists?
Drawing is an art which comes from one's inside. It is the feelings of the person that emerge out as a drawing on a piece of paper. So i would like each and everyone to look inside themselves and find their passion for drawing. Concentration is also very necessary while drawing. While concentrating, a person makes least mistakes. To sum up, one should completely go inside the drawng while drawing it!

5) Which is the Winx that inspires you most? Why?
The Winx itself inspires me as a whole! It gives me a strange kind of happiness inside. Winx shows that true friends do exist as i never believed that after many deceives from my real life friends. I now believe that fairies exist and hope to meet them someday...

6) How do you like the Winx community so far?
Thanks to all the administrators,moderators and the mini-moderators, the Winx comminuty is the best! I have got so many friends here of which i was devoid of in my real life. People here are true, kind and most importantly, helpful. I got so many friends from so many different countries that i could never imagine! I get to learn any language i want! From the bottom of my heart, i love my family here!